sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Lá diz o Dean

Diz o Karnazes no seu 50/50: “When you begin a major challenge, your body and mind feel charged and ready. Later, when you near the end, you are pulled along by the drive to achieve your goal, or to just get the darn thing over with (which can be as powerful a motivator as any). The middle part of a big challenge is the part where morale tends to flag, because the challenge is no longer new, and physical and mental fatigue have begun to set in, yet the goal remains far off – too far for its magnetic draw to have any effect.”

Hoje fiz 60’07” num ritmo de 5:53. Amanhã, ainda faltarão mais 6 semanas por fazer. São muitos graus centígrados pela frente. A juntar a todos os que há 9 semanas me andam a ressequir o couro.

Sexta, 13 de Agosto de 2010

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